was afraid of Halloween. So I did and posted it here in PDF:
I originally did it in Powerpoint with sound effects. I just
have to figure out how to upload it. The children and I
got a kick out of it…
A girl in my class wanted me to write a story about a girl who
was afraid of Halloween. So I did and posted it here in PDF: http://www.roykindelberger.com/mr-ks-kids.html I originally did it in Powerpoint with sound effects. I just have to figure out how to upload it. The children and I got a kick out of it…
I’ve started submitting poetry in the children’s market. I
haven’t had any of it accepted yet, but I think I’m very close. I’ve had some nice notes attached. So I plan to keep submitting and look for the right fit… In my kindergarten classroom the students helped me create a slideshow.
The process we went through in creating these poems was a lot of fun. The children described the colors and what they saw in the pictures. We dictated what was relevant. The poems are in Haiku form, minus the syllable counting: http://www.roykindelberger.com/mr-ks-kids.html I hope you enjoy the show… Here is the latest for readings in the Seattle area:
http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=f14ddba94c68d9dacd2109f12&id=c4d7a20953&e=478e68ea5b I hope to make another reading this month. Enjoy! Last night I went to a poetry reading at Parkplace Books. It was a lot of fun and
some great poetry. I read two poems, one that I plan to submit for publication. One thing I need to work on is my presentation. I think that just comes with practice. So I’ll just keep going… Here’s the latest for Poetry Is Everything:
http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f14ddba94c68d9dacd2109f12&id=e1d48c4590&e=478e68ea5b I look forward to attending the poetry reading on Wednesday evening at Parkplace Books. Here is the latest from Everything Is Poetry:
http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=f14ddba94c68d9dacd2109f12&id=8b4c776b62&e=478e68ea5b I’ll be at the poetry reading at Parkplace books on Wednesday the 12th. I’ve updated quite a few of the August Postcards into the slideshow
that I created. It’s an exciting and fun process. I hope you enjoy the slideshow too: http://www.roykindelberger.com/august-postcards.html In the next week I’m going to create a similar one using some fun children's poems I wrote. Stay tuned! |
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February 2024
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